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A 4 1/2-year old boy came in his mother and father's “Clearing and Grubbing” business in 1978 and sat at his mama’s desk and said, “you have a business and I need a business.’ ‘I must make my own money’.’ My brother will help me!” His mama was very astonished, spellbound, and shocked and so she asked, “what type of business?” He said, “ I am going to call my business “Haynes Beverages” for the saw line workers.’ ‘ My brother and I will carry them water, soda, and sandwiches.” ‘When you pay them, they pay us!”
His mama showed him how to go to the bank and get a checking account and advertising flyers for the workers. He and his brother made a lot of money as kids. His mother being a teacher along with having business corporations was so busy: consequently, besides allowing God to be first in her life, her children were second with the greatest priority.
She was a corporal punishment Christian mama in her rearing of her children. She said, “Allen Ray Haynes was born 9 months and 14 days.’ ‘ He was a miraculous birth in that he went back into the womb 3 times before he was securely taken out!” He was a sincere opinionated person with a high degree of logic in life and business. Above all, he applies the wisdom and knowledge in his situation. He believes in his potential and faces the world with courage, and confidence that helps him understand his self-worth. Allen Ray Haynes stands up for his beliefs, takes responsibility for his life, respects others, helps those in need and shows mercy for the ones less fortunate.
One day, when her son was in elementary school, the elementary principal requested her presence in his office. The principal told her that none of the children were buying snacks from the concession machine because her son was selling items to them. He wanted her to take her son home and talk to him about it because he could not continue selling items! Of course, that caused her to ask the high school principal to get her a substitute because she had to leave school. On the way home, her son said, “Mama, I will pay you not to whip me because that man was out of line, I was making honest money and I had the snack items that the kids needed. They did not need to eat that mess from the concession machines. They needed kid food!!!” she was mentally mystified. How did you acquire the food? Mama, that was easy. You go by the store in the morning before school to pay your workers' daily food bills. While you are busy doing that, my brother and I buy kid food to sell. I make a profit because I sell it for 10 cents more and sometimes, I get your workers to get food and give it to us when daddy picks up one or two from the work site on Fridays or let them bring it to the office when they pick up their paycheck. Thank you, mama, for buying these backpacks.
His mama told him that he was going to get a whipping and he was going to give her every penny that he had received from the kids. They arrived home and her son had cut a center hole in the box spring mattress under the main mattress so that when she changed the sheets, she would not see the money to hide the coins her son had dug a hole in the backyard and put a large can in it. After she whipped her son, she prayed with him. Then, she prayed alone for God to show her what made her son have a mind for making money at his age especially after her oldest son told her that after Sunday School during the break that her son was taking all the kids' money selling marbles and other kid items.
Well, in the box spring mattress, her son had $825.00 and in the buried can of coins $250.00; therefore, being in the fourth grade, he had been selling cookies and candy to the kids since first grade, but no child had told the Principal and the Principal would not have discovered her son selling food items if an elementary school had not added concession machines.
Then, through prayer, asking psychiatrists, preachers, and specialists on children, she got her answer to her son’s money-making mind. At birth, he had a God-given mind or hereditary mind for business centered on making as her son started at an early age, “making honest money!” Her son could calculate the money in his mental capacity. He did not need a pen, pencil or paper, or calculator. Her son continued to be an achiever.
During his elementary school, he attended USM football and baseball camps and won first place each year in his age division. In high school, after becoming the linebacker of the year for two years, receiving accolades, trophies, awards, and being recognized by the SWAC of the State of Mississippi for best linebacker of high school athletes. he received a scholarship and other financial assets from friends and family. He was recognized by political candidates running for elections by being asked to join campaigns.
During those years and years after, he had a timber corporation, stump grinding company, redevelopment projects, and a bail bonding agency. He worked hard on weekends, summer, and after receiving a college B.S. Degree, he worked full time. He even taught school and coached football.
He accepted a football scholarship to Alcorn State University. He did not go to professional NFL because he broke his neck in the same place as Chucky Mullins AT Ole MS but as the surgeons at St. Dominic Hospital stated, “it was a miracle that he did not become paraplegic. Unlike Ole MS, Alcorn State University did not retire his jersey. You see Black predominate universities' code of ethics/justice for detrimental injured players if you do not publicly sue them will not retire a jersey. This young man that I am writing about is ALLEN RAY HAYNES. HE IS A YOUNG MAN THAT NEVER HALF DID ANYTHING. HE HAD TO EXCEL! SINCE HE DID NOT EXCEL by going pro because -as stated above-of a serious BROKE NECK that without a miracle would have left him paraplegic, he did not SUE A WELL-LOVED UNIVERSITY OR SAFETY GEAR COMPANY EVEN IF THE GEAR WAS FAULTY!
Allen Ray Haynes has a healthy sense of self and confident and secure while maintaining a sense of humility; he assist others whether in their place of employment, in their daily lives or in the greater world at large with a great sense of giving back; and he has a great touch with his feelings, emotions, concerns and even shortcomings and do not feel the need for pretense or power. And he can cry and acknowledge mistakes.
He cares nothing about what people think. He thinks that every human being has a right to be respected, offered kindness, and never thought of as less. He gets incredibly angry and punishes severely a person if he or she tries to beat him out of money, do him wrong or just illegality because he will give a person money, loan them money and make sure a person is not hungry, sick, or homeless. Even though he is not of the LGBT persuasion, when the aids epidemic started, he made sure there were no broke, sick, or homeless LGBT people. On his own merit and honest business skills, He became a tax payer at 24 years old. He has been a teacher, coach, mentor, philanthropist, politician assistant, businessman. He has helped many people with money, loans, and property! Whatever happened due to jealousy, setup/collusion, false testimony, lies. his 46 years of life/ 42 years business career are a factorial testament to his lawful and outstanding degree of accomplishments. Nothing can destroy or overshadow it!
Martin Luther King Jr. said:
‘The time is always right to do what is right.’ ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.; ‘Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.’ ‘The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
“PAST GREAT Success is NOT MARRED BY the obstacles that ignorant jealous hearted vengeful evil illegal people enact BUT HOW YOU SHOW ENDURANCE/SURVIVAL THAT NEVER CONQUERS THE MIND AND SPIRIT” Kyrann May-Haynes
ATTORNEY SMITH SAID,“ALLEN RAY HAYNES REMEMBER THE WORDS OF FREDRICK DOUGLAS.’ ‘ The soul that is within me no man can degrade.” —
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